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New Project 2021 05 06T171002.359

In keeping with their commitment to developing and continuously evolving their services, Papantoniou Supermarkets have proceeded in yet another innovative partnership, with the ultimate aim of further facilitating their consumers and co-workers’ everyday lives.

Within this framework, they are working with Capacitor Partners consultants, aiming to complete their digital evolution in various sectors of the company. This partnership will cover optimisation of internal business procedures via digitisation, the setting of a technological strategy, the exploration of digital solutions, and the development of new digital products.

Regarding the new collaboration with Capacitor Partners, Mr. Andreas Papantoniou, part of the management team, noted: “We understand the ever-changing needs of consumers who have embraced us for so many years and we are making sure that we respond to the new habits that have emerged. This is yet another investment that will simplify our procedures and will facilitate daily living for both our customers and our people who give it their all every single day.”

Capacitor Partners specialises in optimising organisations via innovative solutions and methods, particularly in the digital products development sector. The company is entrusted by companies in a variety of sectors, including retail and online stores, media and digital services, regarding their needs for strategic market analysis, the design and development of digital products, and the restructuring of business procedures that will accelerate and make easier the organisation’s development.

On behalf of Capacitor Partners, Michael Tyrimos noted: “The transition of the business sector to digitisation and smart solutions (digital transformation) is necessary and has been rapidly accelerated during the pandemic period. We have noticed that consumer habits have changed. The market is changing with them, especially the retail sector. We aim to provide research and cutting-edge strategy in order to assist an already outstandingly qualified organisation, Papantoniou Supermarkets, in taking the next technological steps.”

This new partnership has been added to the list of Papantoniou Supermarkets’ initiatives and their continuous efforts to develop and continuously evolve their services in order to offer consumers a comprehensive shopping experience.

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